Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Reasons I 'disklike' MySpace.

I am going to start off by warning you that if you are a proficient MySpace user, you may be offended by this list of reasons. I am not saying that all MySpace users are like this, but many are.

1. The idea of meeting new people on the web. Why would you want to meet someone you don't know over the internet? Who knows if the pictures they send you are real, or the conversations you have with them are real. Meeting someone online is like a blind date. Literally, a blind date. You can't see them, you don't know if what they tell you is true or not, and most importantly, you don't know who they really are.

2. The amount of time most users spend. MySpace is not a substitute for socializing. All your doing is having a conversation with different people through your keyboard. Sure you can put on your annoying over flashy html tags to show that your mad, or that you are tired, but that can never show how you really feel. Of course MySpace keeps friends that have no other way of communicating in touch, but for you to spend your evening in front of your computer screen 'with' your friends is not the same.

3. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. The majority of MySpace users seem to have a library of photos uploaded to their MySpace pages. Some of the most common MySpace pictures are taken by a user holding their camera above or below them, in a mirror, without eyes being shown, while a person is in mid air (while jumping), and wearing revealing clothes. All these pictures are stupid trends that are now being over obsessed by too many myspace users, that now they seem to be everywhere you look.

4. User layouts. MySpace seems to be a mecca for people to 'design' their own webpages. But most users find the need to accessorize their page with blinking backgrounds, bright fonts, and lots of capital letters and symbols. Hey GhuyZ SaWp? ;) i Liek DiDuNt dO anTinG tuDaY CuZ i LyKE WaS ToO TiREd ~xxxoooxxx~. That is what you might find on a persons MySpace page. (Typing MySpace with the capital M and S is getting annoying.) Besides the new internet language where users type all their words with extra letters is annoying to. Gawd todai wus wieurd bcuz dis boi caym upz to me and was all liek u took mai penc!l. And after you get over that yo have to get used to the way users compete to have the most annoying webpage ever. They make their background bright pink with flashy stars, or put a picture of a shadowy Cadillac, then leave their text a blackish color that blends in with the background. I don't mind music on a website, not when it is from some rap artists singing about how many hoes hes been with and how he shot all his friends back in Compton, or some boy band singing some annoying tune over and over again.

5. Friends. I think there is a top 8 friends on someones MySpace, but not completly sure. Why would someone specifically point out who their favorite friends are? And are MySpace users deciding who their favorite friends are based upon how many comments they leave, or if they are on their friends top 8? But past that, I don't want to get friends requests from Mike Jones, or Oprah Winfrey. It is unbelievably easy to create an alibi by using google images and information from fan sites. It is annoying to see someones MySpace have Sean Paul listed as their #1 friend. Whether they do it because they think its funny, or if they are stupid enough to think that its the real thing, it is annoying. I don't understand why they would want to have a phony as their friend.

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