Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Daily Question Response

Since I have come back from spring break, I have not turned any assignments in late.

Another problem that I have come across with homework is remembering what assignments I have. On many occasions I show up for class and the teacher asks us to hand in our homework that's due, and I have no clue what they are talking about. I can't do the assignment if I don't remember I had it, or what it was. It is not so bad if I remember I had homework because I can call a friend and ask them what it is, but if I don't even remember I had homework I don't even attempt to do it.

I never used my planner after the first few weeks of school because I lost it. I don't want to buy another one because the school year is coming to a close, and I never really looked at my homework situation before. So when I go home, I go through my classes one by one and ask myself if I had any homework. This method is how I loose track of assignments, so I need to start writing them down.

Instead of using paper, I have considered emailing myself assignments as I get them. This works to some extent, but if I don't have access to a computer for a while, I can forget things. I use email to store my assignments so I don't need a flash drive. This has worked for me in case I loose a paper I am supposed to turn in, because I can simply check my email and reprint the paper. With gmail, you get almost 3 gigs of storage, which is way more then you need for school assignments. Since most essays I would right are about 20kb or less. That means I can keep all my assignments throughout my highschool career at my fingertips. This is how email could work as my assignment book.

I could also sort the assignments priority by difficulty, due date, and importance. This will help me get my important assignments done first, as well as hard ones since I can finish most easy ones when I am bored of homework.

Using these two methods I might be able to finish my assignments in a timely fashion and order. I won't forget about assignments or tests if I have already sent a notice to myself. This method seems strong since I do my homework at my desk, which is where my computer is, so I have convenient access to a list of my assignments.
As long as I don't procrastinate, it should work.

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