Monday, May 14, 2007

Acts 3-4

Act 3 - Scene 1

In this scene, the tradesmen are practicing for their play. While they are rehearsing, 'Puck' mischievously turns Bottom's head into the head of a boar. His friends get freaked out and run away. While Bottom is alone, he sings a song that wakes up Titania. She was anointed by the magic flower and she falls in love with the first person she sees, Bottom.

Scene 2
'Puck' tells Oberon that he has anointed the eyes of Titania, but then Oberon finds out that 'Puck' anointed the wrong eyes. Robin then anoints the eyes of Demetrius who falls in love with Helena. Now Lysander and Demetrius are in love with Helena, who thinks that they are mocking her. She also thinks that this is Hermia's plan. The two men decide to duel to see who is worthy, but are tricked by 'Puck' who anoints their eyes after leading them away from each other.

Act 4 - Scene 1
Bottom and Titania are in love with each other and fall asleep together. Oberon realizes that 'Puck' anointed the wrong person and tells him that he can take off the spell. Once the spells gone, Oberon and Titania lull the four lovers to sleep. They remove the magic flower and when all the four people wake up, chaos breaks loose.

Scene 2
All the tradesmen are panicking because Bottom, the professional, is not anywhere to be found. They all think that its because they ditched him when his head was turned into a boars head, but he eventually shows up. Bottom tells the group that Theseus wants the play performed that day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Act 1 - Scene 1 and 2

In the first scene, Eugeus goes to Thesues for advice on how to sway her daughters opinion about Demetrius. Hermia, Eugeu's daughter, wants to marry Lysander but Eugeus wants her to marry Demetrius. Eugeus threatens to kill Hermia or force her to become a nun if she chooses to dissobey him. Even after the threats, Hermia still wants to marry Lysander and they plan to run away together.

Scene two is where six men are arguing over what parts they will play in a play for the king. One of them is named Bottom; he thinks that he is a profesional actor but the other men dont feel the same. Quince is trying to organize the parts but all the other men are fighting over who gets which spot.

Act 2 - Scene 1 and 2

In the first scene of the second act, Oberon, the fairy king, wants "Puck" to fetch him a special flower which he will give to his wife Titania so she will give up the Indian child. Oberon and Tiania argue over who will recieve custody of the child. Also in this chapter, "Puck" and Oberon see Demetrius and Helena and Oberon wants to use the special flower on Demetrius so he will fall in love with Helena

Monday, April 2, 2007

Chinese Revlolution

The Chinese Revolution was an outburst of violence in 1911 started by many political problems. Chinese nationalists overthrow the Manchu dynasty in 1912. Later the nationalists experience problems when the communist movement began to expand. The communists marched 6,000 miles to escape from the nationalists. During this Long March, Mao Zedong became the leader of the communist party. However, the communists were defeated during World War II when the Chinese parties pooled forces to overtake the Japanese invaders. During this, a civil war started between the two Chinese parties, ending in the nationalists downfall. Mao Zedong became the leader of the People's Republic of China in 1949

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Scary Story

It was Friday night, about 11, when a couple decided they had enough of their senior prom. The girls boyfriend, a handsome seventeen year old football jock went to pick up his stylish red car from the lot down the street. When he returned, his girlfriend hopped into the car and told her boyfriend how much she loved him. The car started with a rumble and the couple sped away, heading towards a secluded park near the top of a mountain.

The couple started to get a little frisky when one of them accidentally pushed off the switch for the cars headlights and were left in pitch black darkness. The car was still in motion when there was a loud crash and they abruptly stopped. They thought they hit a deer so the male told his girlfriend to wait in the car for him to return. She tried to turn on the headlights to shed light on her boyfriend but for some reason they would not start. She concluded that his eyes could adapt to the dark, and was content with waiting for him. She was getting tired and let her heavy eyelids creep over her eyes.

Then, she jolted awake to the sound of dripping on the car roof, she thought it had rained. Still a bit delirious from where she was and what she was doing, she forgot about her boyfriend and went back to sleep. Some while later she woke up again, this time to a scratching sound on the roof. She was terrified and did not know what to do. She again fell asleep in fear of what was outside.

Yet again she awoke, this time to a police officer tapping on her window. He told her to follow him to his car without looking back. She looked back and saw her boyfriend hanging from a tree above the car, throat slashed, feet scratching against the roof in the suttle breeze.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Daily Question Response

Since I have come back from spring break, I have not turned any assignments in late.

Another problem that I have come across with homework is remembering what assignments I have. On many occasions I show up for class and the teacher asks us to hand in our homework that's due, and I have no clue what they are talking about. I can't do the assignment if I don't remember I had it, or what it was. It is not so bad if I remember I had homework because I can call a friend and ask them what it is, but if I don't even remember I had homework I don't even attempt to do it.

I never used my planner after the first few weeks of school because I lost it. I don't want to buy another one because the school year is coming to a close, and I never really looked at my homework situation before. So when I go home, I go through my classes one by one and ask myself if I had any homework. This method is how I loose track of assignments, so I need to start writing them down.

Instead of using paper, I have considered emailing myself assignments as I get them. This works to some extent, but if I don't have access to a computer for a while, I can forget things. I use email to store my assignments so I don't need a flash drive. This has worked for me in case I loose a paper I am supposed to turn in, because I can simply check my email and reprint the paper. With gmail, you get almost 3 gigs of storage, which is way more then you need for school assignments. Since most essays I would right are about 20kb or less. That means I can keep all my assignments throughout my highschool career at my fingertips. This is how email could work as my assignment book.

I could also sort the assignments priority by difficulty, due date, and importance. This will help me get my important assignments done first, as well as hard ones since I can finish most easy ones when I am bored of homework.

Using these two methods I might be able to finish my assignments in a timely fashion and order. I won't forget about assignments or tests if I have already sent a notice to myself. This method seems strong since I do my homework at my desk, which is where my computer is, so I have convenient access to a list of my assignments.
As long as I don't procrastinate, it should work.

Reasons I 'disklike' MySpace.

I am going to start off by warning you that if you are a proficient MySpace user, you may be offended by this list of reasons. I am not saying that all MySpace users are like this, but many are.

1. The idea of meeting new people on the web. Why would you want to meet someone you don't know over the internet? Who knows if the pictures they send you are real, or the conversations you have with them are real. Meeting someone online is like a blind date. Literally, a blind date. You can't see them, you don't know if what they tell you is true or not, and most importantly, you don't know who they really are.

2. The amount of time most users spend. MySpace is not a substitute for socializing. All your doing is having a conversation with different people through your keyboard. Sure you can put on your annoying over flashy html tags to show that your mad, or that you are tired, but that can never show how you really feel. Of course MySpace keeps friends that have no other way of communicating in touch, but for you to spend your evening in front of your computer screen 'with' your friends is not the same.

3. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. The majority of MySpace users seem to have a library of photos uploaded to their MySpace pages. Some of the most common MySpace pictures are taken by a user holding their camera above or below them, in a mirror, without eyes being shown, while a person is in mid air (while jumping), and wearing revealing clothes. All these pictures are stupid trends that are now being over obsessed by too many myspace users, that now they seem to be everywhere you look.

4. User layouts. MySpace seems to be a mecca for people to 'design' their own webpages. But most users find the need to accessorize their page with blinking backgrounds, bright fonts, and lots of capital letters and symbols. Hey GhuyZ SaWp? ;) i Liek DiDuNt dO anTinG tuDaY CuZ i LyKE WaS ToO TiREd ~xxxoooxxx~. That is what you might find on a persons MySpace page. (Typing MySpace with the capital M and S is getting annoying.) Besides the new internet language where users type all their words with extra letters is annoying to. Gawd todai wus wieurd bcuz dis boi caym upz to me and was all liek u took mai penc!l. And after you get over that yo have to get used to the way users compete to have the most annoying webpage ever. They make their background bright pink with flashy stars, or put a picture of a shadowy Cadillac, then leave their text a blackish color that blends in with the background. I don't mind music on a website, not when it is from some rap artists singing about how many hoes hes been with and how he shot all his friends back in Compton, or some boy band singing some annoying tune over and over again.

5. Friends. I think there is a top 8 friends on someones MySpace, but not completly sure. Why would someone specifically point out who their favorite friends are? And are MySpace users deciding who their favorite friends are based upon how many comments they leave, or if they are on their friends top 8? But past that, I don't want to get friends requests from Mike Jones, or Oprah Winfrey. It is unbelievably easy to create an alibi by using google images and information from fan sites. It is annoying to see someones MySpace have Sean Paul listed as their #1 friend. Whether they do it because they think its funny, or if they are stupid enough to think that its the real thing, it is annoying. I don't understand why they would want to have a phony as their friend.

Daily Question Response

Like I said in my most recent post, I did not get any of my homework done until the Monday before we went back.

I have ended up doing my blog updates at school during my breaks. I have a habit of procrastinating on my homework until the day after its due. I seem to hand in many of my assignments late, and therefore my grades may suffer. Although I do hand in most assignments eventually, they get marked down because I did not do them when I was supposed to.

I don't understand why I can't move my homework schedule one day early, so I am not working on tonight's homework tomorrow. It seems easy enough, since the assignments are completed a day after their due, to just do them all one day ahead of when they do get done.

It would appear that an assignment becomes more important after everyone else has already turned theirs in. At the school I used to attend, if an assignment was not handed in the day it was due, you were given an 'incomplete' notice that you had to have your parents sign and attach to your homework. That system worked sort of like training wheels, if you got off course, they would not let you fall too far.

At home no one is very strict about homework, in fact my parents rarely ask me if I have done my homework. To add to that, my parents never know when I don't complete my homework on time because there are no direct signs indicating that I am. Sure my grades go down, but they most likely think that is because I am not getting the material or I don't study enough for tests. Last year I had gotten many bad grades on my math assignments, but when it came to the test, I scored a near perfect. My teacher thought it was because I had cheated off of someone else's paper, so I tried to explain that it was because I wasn't trying on my homework.

If I did try to finish my homework in a timely fashion, who knows what kind of grades I would be getting. Most of the time my assignments come back with a 4/5 or something similar because I handed it in a day late. If I would improve my efficiency during my breaks, I could probably be able to finish all my assignments on time.

Spring break could've and should've been an opportunity used to get on track. I could start over with no late work receiving priority, but instead give that priority to the homework that was not yet late. Maybe the new quarter will bring around something good.

Whats so funny?

There are many videos and pictures of random persons misfortunes, but why are they funny to so many people?

I will admit I am one of the people that find these videos hilarious, and am not ashamed of it. I feel that it is normal in a way, for people to laugh at each other because once someone does it, the victim feels a need to get even. If they laugh at you, why shouldn't you be allowed to laugh at them as well?

Whenever someone trips, their friends are guaranteed to burst out in laughter (my friends at least). It seems that the less likely the fall or whatever it may be brings more entertainment to others. The classic example of the construction worker who was trying to lift a barrel of bricks but then realized that he was not heavy enough and was dragged to the top of the pulley, only to realize that some bricks had fallen out of the barrel upon impacting the ground, making him again the heavier object. Even more chaos follows, as hes falling he meets the barrel half way, and when he finally reaches the bottom, the barrel lands on top of him.

Even something that is wonderful can be hilarious. Something from this category that I boldly remember is from a t.v. show, where they were interviewing a man who won a car from a scratch off lottery ticket. He is showing them how he won, by buying another $10 ticket, to find he just won $250,000.

But there is a line between funny and too harsh. When something causes serious injury to a person, its not funny anymore but instead is a "I feel sorry for that person" thing. Some things are just too painful to watch. Some strike fear that the same thing will happen to you.

Those events aren't funny to me because they can change a persons life for a long time if not forever, in a bad way. Its not funny when someone experiences something that they don't deserve such as being hit by a drunk driver, or do deserve such as loosing an arm while attempting a stunt with a sharp blade. Those are not the things that someone would look back upon and laugh.

But different people may find different things funny or not funny for different reasons.

Daily Question Resposne

During spring break I have gotten almost nothing done. My goals were to clean my room and get my homework done before tonight.

My room has been a mess ever since I can't remember when. I have such a hard problem of cleaning it and an even harder one of keeping it clean. My mom told me that she wanted me to do a "super clean" early in the week. I would tell her that it was only the first day of spring break and I could do it later, but the next day I would say the same thing. I would complain I just got out of school and needed to relax for a while first. I would say that I was too tired and would try to do a little and the rest later, but end up doing squat.

This went on everyday until yesterday, when I cleaned the litter box. Although that is not a very big achievement, I still accomplished something. I also changed my trash bag today, which I consider a moderate task, and I did my laundry. The litter box and laundry are both tasks that get done on a usual bases so I am not too excited that I did them.

I tried to convince myself to clean my room but I would always find something more 'worthwhile' to do. Sometimes this would be something such as browsing the web, but other times I would have great ideas as to build something in my room, then get bored after 10 minutes and not want to clean up what I had done so far. That's probably how my room can get so messy so fast. While I distract myself from cleaning my room, I am actually making the problem worse.

One thing that helped me get motivated to clean my room a week before spring break was a new addition to my computer. I had saved up some money from working to get new speakers, and after I got them, I needed a clear place to put them. I convinced myself to clean the corner of my room where my desk was so the speakers would stay as clean as possible for a while. I ended up making my desk look almost perfect, as well as the area around it, but the other 3/4 of my room was in ruins.

Normally I dislike the technique of 'work first, play later' but it actually worked that one time. I usually go by 'I need something to motivate me to clean my room so lets go to the beach first and I'll clean my room after' rule, but end up coming home too tired to do any chores. It's too bad I need something materialistic to motivate me to do something that should be in my usually routine.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Daily Question Response

In my last post I talked about my terrible schoolwork procrastination, now for my procrastination among other things outside of school.

Although school is what my life is based around, I can still procrastinate on tons of other things like chores. Chores, chores are among the most hated things, for me at least. My chores probably are considered very light for most people. The cats litterbox, my room, keeping all my stuff out of other rooms, cooking dinner once in a while, and yardwork sometimes.

A while back, I made a deal with my mom that If I cleaned the litterbox, I could keep my room the way I wanted it, because the litterbox is accessed through my room. She changed her mind, the next week she made me clean my room. I don't know why I agreed to this deal, I was so niave. Our cat hates me anyway, he dashes away if I move and he sees me, he does not let me sit next to him, he doesnt like me one bit. He favorite is my brother. The litterbox is not to hard to do, just sort of disgusting, the cat convienently kicks half of the litter out of the box onto the floor, and then drags it onto my rug while leaving. I do the litterbox, eventually, usually on a sunday night. It gets done.

My room is the problem. I live in a "pigstye" (My mom, every day). I dont mind having papers and books and pillows and blankets and garbage and other useless junk on the floor. As long as I can walk safely, I'm fine. My mom still has a problem with my room, even though she doesnt have to be in it, look in it, or have any contact with it, its not in the middle of the house, its on a corner through a hall. She tells me to clean my room every weekend before I can do anything fun, I tell her I need something fun before I can clean my room. I don't know how people can consider cleaning fun, I despise cleaning. It takes a lot of effort, not physical effort, but the boringness really gets to me. I do something that I feel I don't need to. Sometimes, on very, very rare occasions, I will feel like making my room neat and tidy. I wish I could be like that more often, I dont see a need for cleaning my room, but I want to. I can't keep living like a "pig" but I don't mind it. Whenever my room does get a thourough cleaning, it gets unclean within a few days. I have a nack for taking something out, and leaving it out, I guess I never learned the "put it back before you get something else" rule. I need to.

Cooking dinner is not too much of a problem, I don't mind cooking because I get something from it. A tastey meal. Cooking is also fun. It is fun to create something from different ingrediants, and tasting the difference between one variation of a recipie and another. Yardwork is also not too hard for me to do. I like being outdoors, and I dont mind throwing dirt into a wheelbarrow and pushing it to the backyard. I can see the results of what I'm doing soon enough.

I've discovered why I don't mind some things while writing this post. It appears that a reason I don't do some things is because I feel I don't need to, and I don't mind doing other things because I feel that I am benifiting from them. So far, this seems like a good daily question.

How can I work to be a better person.

So I have a new self question; I didn't find myself thinking much about my last one. I feel that this question will help me achieve something, learning from my mistakes and adapting to make them not happen again. This question will challenge me to admit things that I am not proud of because the first step to recovery is acceptance :D. I think that this question will also help me improve my life through trying to get rid of my procrastination and other bad habits. I will reveal the bad addictions that I have, then attempt to do something to rid them. So here it goes.

One of my biggest problems is procrastination. I do it every day, multiple times a day. I can't seem to stay away from it, like an addiction. To me procrastination is an escape from reality, avoiding the inevitable, pretending it won't come. I procrastinate only on things that I find to be "work". There is a fine line between work and leisure, work being something that I do not enjoy doing, and leisure something that I find fun, and that I look forward to.

School work is definitely not fun for me. I do not like doing it and it takes effort sometimes. If I had a choice I would do something else like post on an internet forum, or surf youtube for some interesting videos. Apparently I do have that choice; and apparently I mostly choose to avoid doing my work. I can't help it, I can't do my work if I can do something else, I can't get it into my head that if I do it now, I wont have to later.

I've tried to fix my schoolwork dilemma before, but it has been hard. Maybe it has worked for a few nights, getting my homework done the first few hours after school ends, but after that I am dragged into the world of procrastination yet again. I am seduced by the thought of having fun. I try to fix that, I try to stay at school, somewhere that I don't have access to as much things that I would rather do. But, school has open computer labs that have access to the internet, school is where my friends stay, school has sports equipment and a snackbar. Is there not a place I can go be alone with my work? The library is a possibility, but I sometimes need a computer for work, and most computers at the library are connected to the internet. Outside is a possibility, but again there are makeshift ways of having fun outside, picking grass or tearing leaves. Directed study hall could work, but I don't want to be known as the kid that needs to go to those. I must train myself, starting tonight. If I really want it, I will succeed.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Family Stories

My family does not discuss any long stories around the dinner table, just a few short ones. These short stories aren't shared often. In fact, our family doesn't tell any classic stories, just things that will only be gone over once, then forgotten. Though I can not truthfully call these "classic family stories", I consider them to be unique in their own special way, retaining to only my family.

I cant call them classic because, like I have already said, they are not discussed. I have inherited these stories from boredom in long car rides, or my curiosity on my parents past lives. Have you ever been stuck somewhere with an adult from within your family, with nothing to do? That is the type of situation that I acquire these interesting tales.

This list of stories pertains to my father, he seems to be the "whack-o" in the family. The crazy dare-devil one. The stories are in order from his youth till the present.

My first story is of my dad when he was a kid about my age. He lived in Rochester, New York with his parents. They lived at the bottom of a somewhat steep road, paved but choked with gravel sized pebbles. My dad was the kind of kid who did things without thinking about the result of what would happen. He had a bike, with the kind of pedals where when you turned them backwards, the back tire would lock and if you were going fast enough you bike would skid. He decided he wanted to do this after he had reached the bottom of the hill, after speeding down from the top. Trying to skid while going in a turn, not a good idea. He ended up having his face smashed against the graveled road, and someone who saw him had to carry him to his mother.

This next story is not as long as the previous one, and does not have as much of a painful outcome. My father was riding motorcycles somewhere on the mainland with a few friends, during a cross country journey when he decided he would be a bird. I have no idea what motivated him to do this, maybe it was peer-pressure of impressing his friends. So whatever drove him to riding his motorcycle with his arms extended to the sides flapping like a bird, also got him a ticket. This story is special because this was my dads first ticket, from both categories of moving and stationary violations.

My dad, obviously did not learn from the first story, to learn about how something can cause injury to you before doing it, so he attempted to go bodyboarding at the infamous Sandy Beach.
I might add that "attempt" implies failure. He was not an avid waterman and obviously did not know much about the beach. He did not realize the bone-crushing power of Sandy's, a.k.a. "break-neck beach". He got pitched in the lip, and pinned to the sand by the hundreds of gallons of water coming down on him with enough force to easily snap bones. His eardrum was blown out by the pressure of the wave. My mom recalls looking at him with blood dripping out of his ear.
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"Checking what time he is going to die" - Jessie Shain

My last story is more recent. But, again, is of my dad doing something stupid. Shark's Cove on the north shore, has a small cave that goes through the main rock structure thing. My dad thought it would be cool to swim through it, so he swam out past the rocks, then tried to come through the cave. He didn't think to time his entry with the waves, so he just swam in right when he got to the entrance. The waves weren't big, there weren't any "waves" at all, just the water moving up about a foot a few times a minute. He ended up hitting his head on the cave, and getting some 15 stiches on the top of his head.

Don't you think he would've learned his lesson the first few times? I'd think so.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Why a blog?

The purpose of this web blog is to easily convey my writing to anyone who wishes to read it. Putting something on the Internet is putting something up on a world wide bulletin board. Anyone that can access the bulletin board, can also access any piece of information that is posted on the board. There is no such thing as a private web page. Although a web page may seem to have restricted access, a hacker can easily attain access through manipulating the security feature being used. This further proves that anything on the internet, is accessible, if you have the right tools, to anyone on the internet.

Not only is information viewable to anyone, it is also viewable until it is taken off of the "bulletin board". These words will be on the internet forever, or until I click remove post. But, if someone has already viewed it, and saved the web page, they still have it.

These are only a couple of reasons a blog is a great way to express yourself. This blog also enables me to "write" legibly. With the pencil or pen, my letters may look funny to others, but with a universal look to the alphabet, there will be no guess work while reading a piece.
A google search can connect you with people who think alike, with people who oppose each other, or with people who can help each other. A search of "Why a blog?" would turn up this exact web page, and when a person comes to this web page, they would not only read this post, but also read my other posts.

My classmates also have access to my writing, and my personality through what I post on my blog, my teacher as well. Great for completing assignments, as the internet moves much faster than the real world. It takes less than a second for a page of words to be embeded into the internet. How long does it take to print a page full of words? Pictures, videos, javascripts, html codes, flash movies, flash games, the list goes on and on with what you can do near instantly, most of which are not ever going to be placed on a simple piece of paper.
Are any more reasons on why a blog necessary?

Who am I?

What do you recognize as a dream? To me a dream is a fantasy, a fantasy that motivates a person to discard reality, a fantasy that everyone encounters. The #1 definition for a dream is "a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep"(

What is a fantasy? A fantasy ( is "imagination, esp. when extravagant and unrestrained". Thats pretty much what I was thinking, something so unrealistic it seems almost impossible to accomplish.
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This man has a fantasy, a fantasy of having the woman of his dreams with him. Unfortunately, that is not the case, so he has rejected reality and substituted his own-(Mythbusters.)

Take a close look at your daily life. Do you notice yourself doing this? Once you carefully examine your thoughts and actions during the day, you will realize that you too do not accept life the way it is, but change it to satisfy yourself.

I try to accept things the way the come to me, taking them head-on, not avoiding the inevitable. I try to do this, but try implies failure. I do not like to fail, but trying to not fail is comparable to playing with fire and not getting burned, the longer you try, the higher chance you have of failing.

Back to what a dream is. I had a dream. I wanted to be a urban ninja. I know, what a weird dream, but I find myself thinking things are cool when not everyone does them. Not very many people, ok noone, I know is an urban ninja. That is what motivated me to become one. But, after about ten minutes of training, I decided I couldnt achieve it. That is a lot better than spending years trying to accomplish the impossible.

By reading what I typed in the previous paragrah, you can assume a lot about me. I've told you what I find cool, which can tell a lot about a person. Now for what I dislike. "Clicks" or whatever they call them, not only the idea of clicks, but the people who feel they need to categorize people.
Over popular things. Myspace is a perfect example, almost everyone I know, except for a few choice people, have a myspace. The concept of myspace is great, but I refuse to join the boat of people making a poorly structured webpage.

Spending extra money where it doesnt have to be spent. I buy clothes just like everyone else, but I dont buy clothes that cost many times more than they need to. A t-shirt at costco costs about $9.oo, a t-shirt at a designer store costs about 2-5 times as much, for something so similar that most people could not tell the difference, unless they took a close look. I buy jeans from Ross, they cost about $12.oo a pair, when I'm at the mall I see signs in stores that they have jeans on sale for $25.99. Maybe it is because they are the profesionally ripped, or weathered jeans.

Those are a few things I dislike. I'll post a more indepth list later.

That should give you a good idea about myself, I've told you what I like, what I dislike, and tried to make you think a bit about why I like and don't like the things I do.