Monday, May 14, 2007

Acts 3-4

Act 3 - Scene 1

In this scene, the tradesmen are practicing for their play. While they are rehearsing, 'Puck' mischievously turns Bottom's head into the head of a boar. His friends get freaked out and run away. While Bottom is alone, he sings a song that wakes up Titania. She was anointed by the magic flower and she falls in love with the first person she sees, Bottom.

Scene 2
'Puck' tells Oberon that he has anointed the eyes of Titania, but then Oberon finds out that 'Puck' anointed the wrong eyes. Robin then anoints the eyes of Demetrius who falls in love with Helena. Now Lysander and Demetrius are in love with Helena, who thinks that they are mocking her. She also thinks that this is Hermia's plan. The two men decide to duel to see who is worthy, but are tricked by 'Puck' who anoints their eyes after leading them away from each other.

Act 4 - Scene 1
Bottom and Titania are in love with each other and fall asleep together. Oberon realizes that 'Puck' anointed the wrong person and tells him that he can take off the spell. Once the spells gone, Oberon and Titania lull the four lovers to sleep. They remove the magic flower and when all the four people wake up, chaos breaks loose.

Scene 2
All the tradesmen are panicking because Bottom, the professional, is not anywhere to be found. They all think that its because they ditched him when his head was turned into a boars head, but he eventually shows up. Bottom tells the group that Theseus wants the play performed that day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Act 1 - Scene 1 and 2

In the first scene, Eugeus goes to Thesues for advice on how to sway her daughters opinion about Demetrius. Hermia, Eugeu's daughter, wants to marry Lysander but Eugeus wants her to marry Demetrius. Eugeus threatens to kill Hermia or force her to become a nun if she chooses to dissobey him. Even after the threats, Hermia still wants to marry Lysander and they plan to run away together.

Scene two is where six men are arguing over what parts they will play in a play for the king. One of them is named Bottom; he thinks that he is a profesional actor but the other men dont feel the same. Quince is trying to organize the parts but all the other men are fighting over who gets which spot.

Act 2 - Scene 1 and 2

In the first scene of the second act, Oberon, the fairy king, wants "Puck" to fetch him a special flower which he will give to his wife Titania so she will give up the Indian child. Oberon and Tiania argue over who will recieve custody of the child. Also in this chapter, "Puck" and Oberon see Demetrius and Helena and Oberon wants to use the special flower on Demetrius so he will fall in love with Helena

Monday, April 2, 2007

Chinese Revlolution

The Chinese Revolution was an outburst of violence in 1911 started by many political problems. Chinese nationalists overthrow the Manchu dynasty in 1912. Later the nationalists experience problems when the communist movement began to expand. The communists marched 6,000 miles to escape from the nationalists. During this Long March, Mao Zedong became the leader of the communist party. However, the communists were defeated during World War II when the Chinese parties pooled forces to overtake the Japanese invaders. During this, a civil war started between the two Chinese parties, ending in the nationalists downfall. Mao Zedong became the leader of the People's Republic of China in 1949

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Scary Story

It was Friday night, about 11, when a couple decided they had enough of their senior prom. The girls boyfriend, a handsome seventeen year old football jock went to pick up his stylish red car from the lot down the street. When he returned, his girlfriend hopped into the car and told her boyfriend how much she loved him. The car started with a rumble and the couple sped away, heading towards a secluded park near the top of a mountain.

The couple started to get a little frisky when one of them accidentally pushed off the switch for the cars headlights and were left in pitch black darkness. The car was still in motion when there was a loud crash and they abruptly stopped. They thought they hit a deer so the male told his girlfriend to wait in the car for him to return. She tried to turn on the headlights to shed light on her boyfriend but for some reason they would not start. She concluded that his eyes could adapt to the dark, and was content with waiting for him. She was getting tired and let her heavy eyelids creep over her eyes.

Then, she jolted awake to the sound of dripping on the car roof, she thought it had rained. Still a bit delirious from where she was and what she was doing, she forgot about her boyfriend and went back to sleep. Some while later she woke up again, this time to a scratching sound on the roof. She was terrified and did not know what to do. She again fell asleep in fear of what was outside.

Yet again she awoke, this time to a police officer tapping on her window. He told her to follow him to his car without looking back. She looked back and saw her boyfriend hanging from a tree above the car, throat slashed, feet scratching against the roof in the suttle breeze.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Daily Question Response

Since I have come back from spring break, I have not turned any assignments in late.

Another problem that I have come across with homework is remembering what assignments I have. On many occasions I show up for class and the teacher asks us to hand in our homework that's due, and I have no clue what they are talking about. I can't do the assignment if I don't remember I had it, or what it was. It is not so bad if I remember I had homework because I can call a friend and ask them what it is, but if I don't even remember I had homework I don't even attempt to do it.

I never used my planner after the first few weeks of school because I lost it. I don't want to buy another one because the school year is coming to a close, and I never really looked at my homework situation before. So when I go home, I go through my classes one by one and ask myself if I had any homework. This method is how I loose track of assignments, so I need to start writing them down.

Instead of using paper, I have considered emailing myself assignments as I get them. This works to some extent, but if I don't have access to a computer for a while, I can forget things. I use email to store my assignments so I don't need a flash drive. This has worked for me in case I loose a paper I am supposed to turn in, because I can simply check my email and reprint the paper. With gmail, you get almost 3 gigs of storage, which is way more then you need for school assignments. Since most essays I would right are about 20kb or less. That means I can keep all my assignments throughout my highschool career at my fingertips. This is how email could work as my assignment book.

I could also sort the assignments priority by difficulty, due date, and importance. This will help me get my important assignments done first, as well as hard ones since I can finish most easy ones when I am bored of homework.

Using these two methods I might be able to finish my assignments in a timely fashion and order. I won't forget about assignments or tests if I have already sent a notice to myself. This method seems strong since I do my homework at my desk, which is where my computer is, so I have convenient access to a list of my assignments.
As long as I don't procrastinate, it should work.

Reasons I 'disklike' MySpace.

I am going to start off by warning you that if you are a proficient MySpace user, you may be offended by this list of reasons. I am not saying that all MySpace users are like this, but many are.

1. The idea of meeting new people on the web. Why would you want to meet someone you don't know over the internet? Who knows if the pictures they send you are real, or the conversations you have with them are real. Meeting someone online is like a blind date. Literally, a blind date. You can't see them, you don't know if what they tell you is true or not, and most importantly, you don't know who they really are.

2. The amount of time most users spend. MySpace is not a substitute for socializing. All your doing is having a conversation with different people through your keyboard. Sure you can put on your annoying over flashy html tags to show that your mad, or that you are tired, but that can never show how you really feel. Of course MySpace keeps friends that have no other way of communicating in touch, but for you to spend your evening in front of your computer screen 'with' your friends is not the same.

3. Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. The majority of MySpace users seem to have a library of photos uploaded to their MySpace pages. Some of the most common MySpace pictures are taken by a user holding their camera above or below them, in a mirror, without eyes being shown, while a person is in mid air (while jumping), and wearing revealing clothes. All these pictures are stupid trends that are now being over obsessed by too many myspace users, that now they seem to be everywhere you look.

4. User layouts. MySpace seems to be a mecca for people to 'design' their own webpages. But most users find the need to accessorize their page with blinking backgrounds, bright fonts, and lots of capital letters and symbols. Hey GhuyZ SaWp? ;) i Liek DiDuNt dO anTinG tuDaY CuZ i LyKE WaS ToO TiREd ~xxxoooxxx~. That is what you might find on a persons MySpace page. (Typing MySpace with the capital M and S is getting annoying.) Besides the new internet language where users type all their words with extra letters is annoying to. Gawd todai wus wieurd bcuz dis boi caym upz to me and was all liek u took mai penc!l. And after you get over that yo have to get used to the way users compete to have the most annoying webpage ever. They make their background bright pink with flashy stars, or put a picture of a shadowy Cadillac, then leave their text a blackish color that blends in with the background. I don't mind music on a website, not when it is from some rap artists singing about how many hoes hes been with and how he shot all his friends back in Compton, or some boy band singing some annoying tune over and over again.

5. Friends. I think there is a top 8 friends on someones MySpace, but not completly sure. Why would someone specifically point out who their favorite friends are? And are MySpace users deciding who their favorite friends are based upon how many comments they leave, or if they are on their friends top 8? But past that, I don't want to get friends requests from Mike Jones, or Oprah Winfrey. It is unbelievably easy to create an alibi by using google images and information from fan sites. It is annoying to see someones MySpace have Sean Paul listed as their #1 friend. Whether they do it because they think its funny, or if they are stupid enough to think that its the real thing, it is annoying. I don't understand why they would want to have a phony as their friend.

Daily Question Response

Like I said in my most recent post, I did not get any of my homework done until the Monday before we went back.

I have ended up doing my blog updates at school during my breaks. I have a habit of procrastinating on my homework until the day after its due. I seem to hand in many of my assignments late, and therefore my grades may suffer. Although I do hand in most assignments eventually, they get marked down because I did not do them when I was supposed to.

I don't understand why I can't move my homework schedule one day early, so I am not working on tonight's homework tomorrow. It seems easy enough, since the assignments are completed a day after their due, to just do them all one day ahead of when they do get done.

It would appear that an assignment becomes more important after everyone else has already turned theirs in. At the school I used to attend, if an assignment was not handed in the day it was due, you were given an 'incomplete' notice that you had to have your parents sign and attach to your homework. That system worked sort of like training wheels, if you got off course, they would not let you fall too far.

At home no one is very strict about homework, in fact my parents rarely ask me if I have done my homework. To add to that, my parents never know when I don't complete my homework on time because there are no direct signs indicating that I am. Sure my grades go down, but they most likely think that is because I am not getting the material or I don't study enough for tests. Last year I had gotten many bad grades on my math assignments, but when it came to the test, I scored a near perfect. My teacher thought it was because I had cheated off of someone else's paper, so I tried to explain that it was because I wasn't trying on my homework.

If I did try to finish my homework in a timely fashion, who knows what kind of grades I would be getting. Most of the time my assignments come back with a 4/5 or something similar because I handed it in a day late. If I would improve my efficiency during my breaks, I could probably be able to finish all my assignments on time.

Spring break could've and should've been an opportunity used to get on track. I could start over with no late work receiving priority, but instead give that priority to the homework that was not yet late. Maybe the new quarter will bring around something good.